
Donations, or non-cash contributions, are greatly appreciated. Donations are used for a silent auction or raffle prizes.  In return for generous donations we provide promotional packages to show our gratitude. There are three levels of promotional return for donations.

We are a 501 (c)3 tax exempt organization.

Daylily Partner

Financial or in kind contributions of up to $75 will be honored by promotion on social media and the website for one year, on high end auction displays, event programs and thanked with a tax deductible receipt.

Mighty Oak Partner

Financial  donations above
$75 and up to $250 will be promoted on 8 x 10 entrance signage, programs, verbally, high end auction display, and
on the Roots & Wings Event Website for a year via social media and list serve reaching more than 1400 consumers, and thanked with a tax deductible receipt.

Monarch Level Partner

Financial & in kind donations of $250 and above receive promotion on the 15 x 15 main entrance signage, programs, verbally and on high end auction displays as well as displayed prominently on the Roots & Wings Event Website for a year. Also promotion is given via social media and listserve reaching more than 1400 people, in digital & print marketing and on Adrian’s Thread on WCOM throughout June & July and thanked with a tax deductible receipt